Week 7 - Concept Report
Hello Everyone!
This report will be an improved version of the week 4 Specification Report from the feed back given.
In this report we will be covering the following in order: - Project Statement
- Needs
- User Requirement
- Function Analysis

- Flow Chart / Block Diagram
- Circuit Diagram
- Items needed for electrical components
- Design
- Items needed for Casing
- Total Budget
- Implementation of Project
- Conclusion
Project Statement
Our project statement is to design a device that is able to monitor abnormal levels of humidity, temperature and pressure of mushroom farms to optimize the mushroom growth in the rural context and help the housewives manage their mushroom easily.
We must also be able to protect the sensor from humidity and water splashes.
The needs of our project is to measure the parameters of Temperature, Humidity, Light and Pressure in mushroom farms.
As well as notify the housewives when the temperature is not within the range of 27-35°C or the humidity is lower than 90%.
Another need is to record and store the data of the parameters to see how they affect the yield of the mushrooms.
To summarize:
1) Measure parameters: Temperature, Humidity, Light and Pressure
2) Notify housewives
3) Record and store data
User Requirements
The overall product will be handled by the housewives and local university students.
As such, we decided to make the product user-friendly for both parties.
1) Housewives
User Requirement: To be notified that the temperature is not within the range of 27 to 35°C or the humidity is lower than 90%.
How to meet Requirement?: An SMS will be sent to the housewives to notify them.
2) University Students User Requirement: To track mushroom growth by knowing if the harvested mushrooms are good or bad, and also to track the irrigation activities of the housewives.
How to meet Requirement?: Green and Red LED button on the casing. Whereby green represents a good yield and the red represents a bad yield.
User Requirement: To collect temperature and humidity data and track to see how the parameters affect mushroom growth.
How to meet Requirements?: GSM module which will upload collected data to the CLOUD service and store data.
Function Analysis
After considering our needs and requirements, we came up with an overall function analysis.
Input: Temperature, Light, Pressure and Humidity parameters
Data for analysis and Heat from the electronics

Flow Chart / Block Diagram
The XDK will collect the data of temperature and humidity every 30 minutes and the data collected will be saved into a file.
After one days worth of data collection, the data will be saved into a day file which includes temperature, humidity, light and pressure with the date and time up to seconds.
This file will then be sent to the Arduino via blue-tooth and updated to the cloud service on Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS will contain all the daily data files for data analysis on how the temperature and humidity affects the mushroom growth and yield over a period of time.
The GSM module will be connected to the Arduino and a SMS notification will be sent to the housewives when the temperature is not within the range of 27-35°C and when humidity is lower than 90%.
There is an additional button called the "Activity Button".
This button is for the housewives to press whenever they irrigate the mushroom farm. This will enable us to know their irrigation activity such as the pattern and time of their irrigation.
The housewives should also press this button after they have received the SMS notification. This will let us track if irrigating after receiving the notification helps optimize their mushroom quality and growth.
Ultimately, all the data will be uploaded to and stored on AWS.
Circuit Diagram
Below is how we will connect the Buzzer, Red LED Button, Green LED Button, Activity Button, Bluetooth module, GSM module and SIM card to the Arduino Mega.

Items Needed for electrical components
The team then went to find out the list of items we needed as well as the price of each item to determine the budget we needed.
1) Arduino Mega x 1 = $58.89

2) GSM Module x 1 = $69.95

3) Bluetooth Module x 2 = $16.00

4) XDK Sensor x 1 = $259.00

5) Push-button with Red LED x 1 = $4.95
Push-button with Green LED x 1 = $4.95
Push-button with White LED x 1 = $4.95
Push-button with Blue LED x 1 = $4.95

Total Cost : $423.64
The team has come up with a new design.
This design is different compared to the previous one mentioned in the Specification report.
The Latest Design
The team has decided to make a rectangular casing for the all the electrical parts and mount it to the wall.
Overall Design
This is how our casing will look like from the outside with the 4 buttons in place on the casing.

Internal Design
The XDK and Arduino sensor will be mounted onto the base we have. The base is separated from the back of the box with a spacer. This is to prevent a built up of heat which may overheat the electronics.

Items needed for Casing
1) The Wall Box x 1 = $63.07

2) Spacer
3) Screws, Nuts, L brackets and more which are kindly provided by SP FabLab
4) Internal base plate for mounting of XDK and Arduino and pcb.
Total Budget
Cost for Electrical Components = $423.64
Cost for Mechanical Components = $ 63.07
Total Budget = $ 486.71
Implementation of Project
Our project will be implemented at the mushroom farm in Indonesia in march.
Testing of Project Before Implementation
However, before that we will be testing out our product to ensure that it is working at the SP InnoVillage before the implementation. SP InnoVillage is located right in front of the School of Mathematics and Science and near T6.
For testing purposes, we will also update data every 5-10 minutes instead of 30 minutes. This is to ensure that our sensors are working properly and our data collected is accurate.
For the upcoming week 13 technical review, the team hopes to do up a prototype with functional electronics.
The team has yet to have a Skype session with the local Indonesian university students. As such, our figures are rough estimation. For example, the XDK will measure the required parameters every 30 minutes. However, this figure is subjected to change when the team has a Skype meeting with the students to find out the housewives needs and more about the mushroom farm background details.
In addition, our design ideas may also change to suit the housewives requirements as well as mushroom farm environment or due to fabrication processes.
The team is in the midst of arranging a Skype session date with the Indonesian students.
Written By: Group 1