Week 1 - Project Statement
The day after we had our first lesson of Engineering & Design, we've received our project statement from Miss Rubaina. This project is conceived by the Learning Express team in March/April 2016. It is based in a mushroom farming cottage industry managed by housewives in Ngaran Village, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
A low-pressure water pumping system, drawing water from a nearby water source powered by an electrical centrifugal pump, was implemented by the local students after the LeX trip. However, this introduced another issue of excess humidity, which causes excessive fungi growth in the bags.

The mushroom farmhouse (as shown in the image above) that we would be working on testing the sensor.
Our project statement is designing a device that is able to monitor abnormal levels of humidity and temperature of mushroom farms to optimize the mushroom growth in the rural context. We must also be able to protect the sensor from humidity and water splashes.

The sensor that we will be working on is the XDK sensor, developed by the BOSCH company. The XDK sensor is a wireless sensor device that enables rapid prototyping of sensor based products and applications for the Internet of Things (IoT). It includes a full array of Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) sensors and 2 radios.
Needs and requirements of this project are:
1. A form of display/indication to notify if there are abnormal levels of humidity/temperature
2. Waterproof sensor
3. User-friendly to the locals
Edited by Natalie