Week 6 - Wireless Sensor Network ft. XBee
Hi READERS, So today in week 6, we learnt about wireless sensor network. A wireless sensor network (WSN) are spatially distributed...

Week 4 & 5 - Building Boats
Hello again! Coming onto week 4 lesson, we were given a lecture on buoyancy, drag and stability. On week 5, we were taught about the...

Week 4 - Specification Report
Hello! This is group 1's specification report. We will be covering the flowing items below in order. - Problem Statement - Solution -...

Week 3: Prototyping Humidity & Temperature Sensor
Beep.. Beeep.. Beeeep... After the interview with Mr Azhar who went to the mushroom farm in Yogyakarta during the period of March & April...

Material Selection
Warning you are about to read the boring and longest post ever in our website Wait!!! Don't close the post yet as this post can be...

Week 3 - Mushroom Farm visit to Kin Yan Agrotech
Although we had a Q&A session with Mr Azhar, we wanted to find out more about mushroom farms. As such, we decided to visit a local farm,...

Week 3 - CLS Filtration Activity
Our third week of Engineering and Design was focused on Filtration of water. We were tasked to create a filter to process wastewater. So...

Week 2 - Q&A with Mr Azhar
31 October 2016 - 3:30pm We wanted to find out more about the Mushroom Farms in Indonesia as we had never been there. We also wanted to...

Week 2 - Statistic: Hypothesis testing
In today's post, I would be explaining Hypothesis Testing. So what is it??? It is used to test a claim about a parameter. I'll show you...