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Week 2 - Application of Life Sciences in Engineering

Week 2 of Engineering & Design was about Sciences and Mathematics.

Do you know what Dissolved Oxygen is? How about Conductivity?


Then let me ask you something else instead.

Do you have any idea what is pH and temperature?

If yes, that is good.

If not, don't worry!

You'll find out more after this post!


So in week 1, we were tasked to measure the temperature using a temperature sensor.

Before I share about the experiment we did in week 2, I would like to talk about our class and summarize what we did in Week 1.

We have a total of 8 groups in the class and different groups were tasked to do different sensors.

There were 4 sensors and 2 groups were assigned to the same sensor.


The sensors available were:

Links below are to the website of other groups who carried out experiments using the respective sensors.

1. Temperature Sensor

2. pH Sensor

3. Conductivity sensor

4. Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

Why am I sharing this? This is because we used each others sensors for Week 2's experiment.

So, what experiment did we have to carry out?


We were tasked to take water samples around 3 locations in Singapore Polytechnic.

The 3 locations are BioStream, SP Swimming Pool and EcOasis.

1. BioStream

Picture speaks a thousand words

2. Swimming Pool @ SP

3. EcOasis near Food court 2

So after collecting water from those locations, we used the sensors to measure the temperature of the water, dissolved oxygen, pH and more.

Picture speaks a thousand words

The google document above is our detailed report as well as the answers to the questions asked in the beginning of the post.


From this experiment I got to know what is Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity of Water, PH, Temperature and the importance of it. All these variables can aquatic life and its surrounding habitat.



Dissolved Oxygen is the amount of oxygen that is present in water.

It is measured in milligrams per litre (mg/L), or the number of milligrams of oxygen dissolved in a litre of water.

Conductivity of Water is the measure of water's capability to pass electrical flow.

This ability is directly related to the concentration of ions in the water.

pH is a numeric scale used to identify if an aqueous solution is acid or basic(alkaline).

Temperature is the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch.

So, to determine if the water sample is healthy for aquatic life and its surrounding habitat, the 4 variables, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH and temperature are very important.


Written by : Navindran

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